Generating free polyominos for exact covering

Table of Contents

Generating "free" polyominos.

My last attempt at this resulted in a program that would give me all of the files to pipe into DLX for "one-sided" versions of polyominos. (I blame a tetris mindset for me thinking that was the natural place to start.)

This time, we'll do the same thing, but not for the "one-sided variants." I'll go quicker through some of the earlier parts, since they aren't changing.

From last time

We'll start by simply pulling in all of the functions from last time. Not going to look at output from them, since I did enough of that in the previous page.

(defstruct coordinate (x 0 :read-only t) (y 0 :read-only t))

(defun left (coordinate)
  (with-slots (x y) coordinate
    (make-coordinate :x x :y (- y 1))))
(defun right (coordinate)
  (with-slots (x y) coordinate
    (make-coordinate :x x :y (+ y 1))))
(defun up (coordinate)
  (with-slots (x y) coordinate
    (make-coordinate :x (- x 1) :y y)))
(defun down (coordinate)
  (with-slots (x y) coordinate
    (make-coordinate :x (+ x 1) :y y)))

(defstruct polyomino (active-coordinates nil :read-only t))

(defun polyomino-degree (polyomino)
  (length (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates)))

(defun polyomino-add-coordinate (polyomino coordinate)
  (make-polyomino :active-coordinates (adjoin coordinate (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates) :test #'equalp)))

(defun polyomino-has-coordinate (polyomino coordinate)
  (member coordinate (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates) :test #'equalp))

(defun polyomino-to-string (polyomino)
  (let ((width (polyomino-degree polyomino))
        (height (polyomino-degree polyomino)))
    (format nil "~{~&~{~a~}~}"
            (loop for i from 0 below height
               collect (loop for j from 0 below width
                          collect (if (polyomino-has-coordinate polyomino (make-coordinate :x i :y j))

(defun polyomino-normalize (polyomino)
  (loop for coordinate in (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates)
     minimizing (slot-value coordinate 'x) into min-x
     minimizing (slot-value coordinate 'y) into min-y
     finally (return (make-polyomino :active-coordinates
                                     (sort (loop for coordinate in (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates)
                                              collect (with-slots (x y) coordinate
                                                        (make-coordinate :x (- x min-x)
                                                                         :y (- y min-y))))
                                           (lambda (a b)
                                             (with-slots ((ax x) (ay y)) a
                                               (with-slots ((bx x) (by y)) b
                                                 (< (+ (* ax (polyomino-degree polyomino))
                                                    (+ (* bx (polyomino-degree polyomino))

(defun polyomino-rotate (polyomino)
  (let ((d (- (polyomino-degree polyomino) 1)))
     (make-polyomino :active-coordinates
                     (with-slots (active-coordinates) polyomino
                       (loop for coordinate in active-coordinates
                          collect (with-slots (x y) coordinate
                                    (make-coordinate :x y :y (- d x)))))))))

Now, flipping.

With all of that, I simply need a way to flip polyominos so that I can get to the "other side" of them.

(defun polyomino-flip (polyomino)
   (make-polyomino :active-coordinates
                   (loop for coordinate in (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates)
                      collect (with-slots (x y) coordinate
                                (make-coordinate :x y :y x))))))

And, just to make sure it turns a "s" piece into an "z" piece.

(let* ((a (make-coordinate))
       (b (up a))
       (c (left b))
       (d (up c))
       (p (make-polyomino :active-coordinates (list a b c d))))
  (format nil "~{~a~2%~}"
           (polyomino-to-string (polyomino-normalize p))
           (polyomino-to-string (polyomino-flip p)))))



Now, continuing basically from before.

(defun polyomino-grow-list (seeds)
  (let ((grown-values nil))
    (dolist (polyomino seeds)
      (let ((polyomino-coordinates (slot-value polyomino 'active-coordinates))
            (candidates nil))
        (dolist (c polyomino-coordinates)
            (unless (member (up c) polyomino-coordinates :test #'equalp)
              (setf candidates (adjoin (up c) candidates :test #'equalp)))
            (unless (member (right c) polyomino-coordinates :test #'equalp)
              (setf candidates (adjoin (right c) candidates :test #'equalp)))
            (unless (member (down c) polyomino-coordinates :test #'equalp)
              (setf candidates (adjoin (down c) candidates :test #'equalp)))
            (unless (member (left c) polyomino-coordinates :test #'equalp)
              (setf candidates (adjoin (left c) candidates :test #'equalp)))))
        (dolist (c candidates)
          (let ((p (polyomino-normalize (polyomino-add-coordinate polyomino c))))
            (unless (or
                     (member p grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-rotate p) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-flip p) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-flip (polyomino-rotate p)) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate p)) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-flip (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate p))) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate p))) grown-values :test #'equalp)
                     (member (polyomino-flip (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate (polyomino-rotate p)))) grown-values :test #'equalp))
              (setf grown-values (cons p grown-values)))))))

So, was that all it took? This time comparing to the "Total" count on the Polyomino wikipedia page.

(let* ((a (list (make-polyomino :active-coordinates (list (make-coordinate)))))
       (b (polyomino-grow-list a))
       (c (polyomino-grow-list b))
       (d (polyomino-grow-list c))
       (e (polyomino-grow-list d))
       (f (polyomino-grow-list e))
       (g (polyomino-grow-list f))
       (h (polyomino-grow-list g))
       (i (polyomino-grow-list h)))
  (mapcar #'length (list a b c d e f g h i)))
1 1 2 5 12 35 108 369 1285

Yes, we match again. Yay!

With one last change

Before, when I generated the placements, I iterated all unique rotations. Now, I need to iterate the unique rotations and flips.

(defun polyomino-unique-placements (p)
  (let* ((a (polyomino-rotate p))
         (b (polyomino-rotate a))
         (c (polyomino-rotate b))
         (d (polyomino-flip p))
         (e (polyomino-flip a))
         (f (polyomino-flip b))
         (g (polyomino-flip c))
         (l (list (polyomino-normalize p)))
         (l (adjoin a l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin b l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin c l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin d l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin e l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin f l :test #'equalp))
         (l (adjoin g l :test #'equalp)))

And, just to see how this treats an "s" piece:

(let* ((a (make-coordinate))
       (b (up a))
       (c (left b))
       (d (up c))
       (p (make-polyomino :active-coordinates (list a b c d))))
  (format nil "~{~a~2%~}"
          (mapcar #'polyomino-to-string (polyomino-unique-placements p))))




And finally, the same dance as last time

Nothing changes in generating the DLX inputs. So, just dumping them here again.

(defun polyomino-dlx-headers (board-size)
  (format nil "~{~{R~aC~a~} ~}" (loop for i from 0 below board-size
     append (loop for j from 0 below board-size
                 collect (list i j)))))

(defun polyomino-dlx-generate-row (p board-size)
  (format nil "~{~{~{R~aC~a ~}~}~%~}"
          (loop for c in (slot-value p 'active-coordinates)
             maximizing (slot-value c 'x) into max-x
             maximizing (slot-value c 'y) into max-y
             finally (return (loop for i from 0 below (- board-size max-x)
                                append (loop for j from 0 below (- board-size max-y)
                                          collect (loop for c in (slot-value p 'active-coordinates)
                                                     collect (with-slots (x y) c
                                                               (list (+ x i) (+ y j))))))))))
(defun polyomino-dlx-generate (fileprefix degree board-size)
  (let ((polyominos (list (make-polyomino :active-coordinates (list (make-coordinate :x 0 :y 0))))))
    (dotimes (i (- degree 1))
      (setf polyominos (polyomino-grow-list polyominos)))

    (dotimes (i (length polyominos))
      (with-open-file (stream (format nil "~a-~a-~a.dlx" fileprefix degree i)
                              :direction :output
                              :if-exists :supersede
                              :if-does-not-exist :create)
        (format stream "~a~&" (polyomino-dlx-headers board-size))
        (dolist (rotation (polyomino-unique-placements (elt polyominos i)))
          (format stream "~a~&" (polyomino-dlx-generate-row rotation board-size)))))))

(polyomino-dlx-generate "testing" 8 16)


Not motivated enough to really dive into this. Piping the above programs into the dlx algorithm from Knuth's homepage takes a long time. About 4000 minutes, all told. On a whim, I retried the previous try's effort on the same program compiled with optimizations. Result went from a minute down to 19 seconds.

Assuming the same benefit in time, I'm still looking at about a day's worth of runtime.1 I think I see how I could reduce the symmetric solutions. That drops me by a factor 4 (8?). Still has me in the hours for runtime, at best.

Granted, this could be a factor of the speed of my laptop. Pushing a decade in age, sure, but I don't think anything has really happened recently to help in speed. I was only running on 4 threads total for all of the run, with a single thread dominating the runtime.2

At any rate I had fun. Modifying the common lisp program was as easy as to be expected. Looking forward to more programs in that language.



Since it really just meant leaving my home computer on while I was at work, I ran the optimized compilation against the larger set. Brought it down to 1200 minutes, as predicted.


Specifically, I ran

time $(find . -name '*.dlx' | grep "dlx" | xargs -P4 -n1 -I file sh -c './dlx < "file"')

So, yes, I got some use of my multiple cores. But only while there were subproblems I could fan out.

Author: Josh Berry

Created: 2021-02-05 Fri 23:50
