Challenging My Intuition On File Sizes
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How much memory should a file take when you load it?
In reading Analyzing multi-gigabyte JSON files locally, I made the comment to some folks that it surprises me that many have the intuition that files will be larger in memory than they are on disk. Oddly, I was not in large company feeling this. Most everyone I directly chatted with assumed things would be larger in memory than on disk.
This intuition still feels wrong to me. At face value, I don't see why things should take more space in memory than they do on disk. Outside of choices that the developer can choose not to make.
Why do I think things should be smaller?
I should be upfront that I am only thinking of data heavy formats that are in human readable form. So, JSON and CSV. I'm also assuming some familiarity with the data such that you don't have to load it in the most dynamic way that you can.
To that end, if you don't know anything about what you are loading, I can understand you may make some choices that cause an explosion. This is particularly true for Pandas usage. A fast load of data using the defaults is easy to use, but terrible for memory usage.
I should also caveat that I do not plan on getting too deep peaking at how much ram my processes are taking up. Specifically, I will just be taking Pandas at face value for how much space it says data is taking.
So, lets take a look at some examples
To get a rough idea on this, I first wanted some data I could look at that others can also see. To that end, I did a search for "free json data sets." Top result was Awesome JSON Datasets. Seemed to fit the bill just fine.
I opted to pick a few and then got bored. This is what all I saw before the boredom really kicked in.
For the purposes of all code that follows, I setup a basic venv that only has pandas installed, and then just have the following imports.
import pandas as pd import json
Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transactions
The first section included a neat peak at unconfirmed bitcoin transactions. I'm assuming this is live, such that it will not be possible to fully recreate my numbers here, but still fun to look at.
Peeking, the file I have is how big?
du -h /tmp/unconfirmed-transactions.json
212K | /tmp/unconfirmed-transactions.json |
And taking a peek at the file in python.
with open('/tmp/unconfirmed-transactions.json') as file: json_data = json.load(file) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data['txs'])'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99 Data columns (total 17 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 hash 100 non-null object 1 ver 100 non-null int64 2 vin_sz 100 non-null int64 3 vout_sz 100 non-null int64 4 size 100 non-null int64 5 weight 100 non-null int64 6 fee 100 non-null int64 7 relayed_by 100 non-null object 8 lock_time 100 non-null int64 9 tx_index 100 non-null int64 10 double_spend 100 non-null bool 11 time 100 non-null int64 12 block_index 0 non-null object 13 block_height 0 non-null object 14 inputs 100 non-null object 15 out 100 non-null object 16 rbf 39 non-null object dtypes: bool(1), int64(9), object(7) memory usage: 50.5 KB
I confess I was expecting this to be larger than the on disk items. As things stand, this is a win without even trying.
On to the next example, then.
Contiguous US Annual Precipitation
Next in that website was Climate data. I arbitrarily chose the last item there, and changed the url to include up to 2023.
Again, peeking at the file.
du -h /tmp/precipitation.json
8.0K | /tmp/precipitation.json |
This is a somewhat laughably small file, so not expecting too much to learn here. Still, basic loading in python gives me:
with open('/tmp/precipitation.json') as file: json_data = json.load(file) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data['data'],orient='index')'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 122 entries, 189512 to 201612 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 value 122 non-null object 1 anomaly 122 non-null object dtypes: object(2) memory usage: 22.2 KB
Sure enough, using well over double the ram than the file size. Why is that? Biggest smoking gun there is the "object" data type. Peeking at the data, what do we see?
value anomaly 189512 27.55 -2.58 189612 29.77 -0.36 189712 29.70 -0.43 189812 29.57 -0.56 189912 28.71 -1.42
Small numbers, but not in a numeric type. Since they are all floating point numbers lets just try using float.
with open('/tmp/precipitation.json') as file: json_data = json.load(file) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data['data'],orient='index',dtype='float')'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 122 entries, 189512 to 201612 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 value 122 non-null float64 1 anomaly 122 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2) memory usage: 9.4 KB
Already, we are back on par with the original file size. We can also clean up the index, to see if that helps sizes, and peeking at the data we see that none of these are gigantic or that precise of data.
with open('/tmp/precipitation.json') as file: json_data = json.load(file) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data['data'],orient='index',dtype='float32') df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format="%Y%m")'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 122 entries, 1895-12-01 to 2016-12-01 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 value 122 non-null float32 1 anomaly 122 non-null float32 dtypes: float32(2) memory usage: 1.9 KB
Most of that savings is from the index change, which I confess surprised me. Still, again we are way smaller than what was on disk.
Monthly Airline Delays by Airport, 2003-2016
I confess I was already losing interest, in this idea. So far, I have not found anything to challenge my intuition too terribly. Which, actually scares me more than validates me.
Still, one last data set that looks neat. The airline delays. Peeking at the data in my browser, this one was at least far more structured, such that I expect it will be larger. More, it has a lot of text, which is exactly what was predicted to make things larger in memory.
du -h /tmp/airline-delays.json
4.8M | /tmp/airline-delays.json |
And the naive loading into python?
with open('/tmp/airline-delays.json') as file: json_data = json.load(file) df = pd.json_normalize(json_data)'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 4408 entries, 0 to 4407 Data columns (total 24 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Airport.Code 4408 non-null object 1 Airport.Name 4408 non-null object 2 Time.Label 4408 non-null object 3 Time.Month 4408 non-null int64 4 Time.Month Name 4408 non-null object 5 Time.Year 4408 non-null int64 6 Statistics.# of Delays.Carrier 4408 non-null int64 7 Statistics.# of Delays.Late Aircraft 4408 non-null int64 8 Statistics.# of Delays.National Aviation System 4408 non-null int64 9 Statistics.# of Delays.Security 4408 non-null int64 10 Statistics.# of Delays.Weather 4408 non-null int64 11 Statistics.Carriers.Names 4408 non-null object 12 Statistics.Carriers.Total 4408 non-null int64 13 Statistics.Flights.Cancelled 4408 non-null int64 14 Statistics.Flights.Delayed 4408 non-null int64 15 Statistics.Flights.Diverted 4408 non-null int64 16 Statistics.Flights.On Time 4408 non-null int64 17 Statistics.Flights.Total 4408 non-null int64 18 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.Carrier 4408 non-null int64 19 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.Late Aircraft 4408 non-null int64 20 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.National Aviation System 4408 non-null int64 21 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.Security 4408 non-null int64 22 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.Total 4408 non-null int64 23 Statistics.Minutes Delayed.Weather 4408 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(19), object(5) memory usage: 3.2 MB
That said, without even having to look for tricks, the data is already smaller. So, I'm not going to bother looking for ways to shrink this.
After all of that
As I said in the last example, I am actually worried I didn't find any examples that were counter to my intuition here. That worries me more than it gives me confidence. There were a lot of folks discussing how it makes sense that "in memory" for a data set would be bigger than "on disk."
My gut is that they deal with far more textual data than I expect. That or they have been bitten by turning data into objects too often. A common trap I remember setting for myself back in the day, was to build an object model in java, and then try to serialize a lot of data into collections of these objects.
Still, I'm very open to the idea that my looking here is flawed. Perhaps I shouldn't be taking Pandas' word on how much memory it is using?
On the off chance anyone I know has good examples that successfully destroy this intuition of mine, I'd be delighted to see them.