Solving Sudoku with Dancing Links

Table of Contents


In trying to implement Knuth's Dancing Links technique against the $N$-Queens problem, I also found that he used the DLX algorithm to solve Sudoku puzzles for a programming contest in 2005.


.2....... ...6....3 .74.8.... .....3..2 .8..4..1. 6..5..... ....1.78. 5....9... .......4.

Basics of the game can be found on any number of web pages. Simply stated, you have a \(9 \times 9\) grid of numbers broken into \(3\) groups of \(3 \times 3\) grids. In each row, column, and group each of the numbers \(1\) through \(9\) can only appear once.

For display, this is often shown as a basic table such as this one to the right. Again, for a full description of the various parts of the game, just seek the internet.

I will note that I have chosen to use the string representation of boards from the 2005 contest. Such that the board above is represented as the following string.


As an exact cover problem.

In order to use the DLX algorithm, we must recast this problem to be one of selecting all rows of a matrix where there is a single \(1\) per column. To achieve this, we will make a new matrix where each column represents a number being placed in any of the \(9 \times 9\) positions, then each of the possible numbers per rows, column, and group. This brings us to \(9 \times 9 + 9 \times 9 + 9 \times 9 + 9 \times 9 = 324\) columns of the matrix.

What, then, are the rows? They are simply a \(1\) in each of the columns that specify a) which position of the board the number is in, b) what column and number are used, c) what row and number are used, and d) what group and number are used. Note that for b, c, and d, we will have the same "number" per column. That is, if it is covering \(C_{x3}\), it will also be covering \(R_{x3}\) and \(G_{x3}\). It will not necessarily be covering \(P_{x3}\).

Regardless, this gives us a maximum of \(positions \times digits = (9 \times 9) \times 9 = 729\) rows. In reality, when we are solving a particular puzzle, we will have much fewer rows. We will also have fewer columns, though not by as large of a factor.

DLX Sudoku Solver

Now then, we need to briefly make a sudoku solver that can output solutions we can then display. I confess I should have done the $N$-Queens solution in a more generic fashion such that I could just reference the dancing links algorithm. Indeed, Knuth's implementation of DLX is available such that you can simply pipe it the columns to cover, then all of the rows.

Unfortunately, I did not do that. So, we'll be doing all of that again here. (I may clean this up some day such that I am doing that.)


The basic outline of our Sudoku solver is here.

function dlxSudokuSolver(strings, showSteps) {
    var headers, solutions = [], O = [];





    return solutions;

DLX core

The search, covering/uncovering, and utilities code is basically unmodified from the code used in my $N$-Queens exploration. See there for more of an explanation. I could abstract out the DLX portion to its own javascript function. For now, though, this is just a copy paste of the previous version I used.

function search(k) {
    var c, r;
    if (headers.right === headers) {
    if (showSteps) {
    c = smallestColumn();
    r = c.down;
    while (r !== c) {
        r = r.right;
        while (r.col !== c) {
            r = r.right;
        search(k + 1);
        r = r.left;
        while (r.col !== c) {
            r = r.left;
        r = r.down;
function cover(c) {
    var r = c.down;
    c.right.left = c.left;
    c.left.right = c.right;
    while (r !== c) {
        r = r.right;
        while (r.col !== c) {
            r.up.down = r.down;
            r.down.up = r.up;
            r = r.right;
        r = r.down;

function uncover(c) {
    var r = c.up;
    c.right.left = c;
    c.left.right = c;
    while (r !== c) {
        r = r.left;
        while (r.col !== c) {
            r.up.down = r;
            r.down.up = r;
            r = r.left;
        r = r.up;
function smallestColumn() {
    var h, c, s = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    h = headers.right;
    while (h !== headers) {
        if (h.size < s) {
            c = h;
            s = c.size;
        h = h.right;
    return c;
function printRow(r) {
    var s = + ' ', e = r;
    r = r.right;
    while (r !== e) {
        s += + ' ';
        r = r.right;
    return s;
function copySolution() {
    var solution = [].concat(O);
    return solution;

Making the columns for Sudoku

Our logic for generating the columns and rows to represent the sudoku board is actually a bit larger than the code to do the actual search. Amusingly, having looked at Knuth's code, I do think things would be simpler if I focused on making the code such that this was only responsible for naming the headers and rows. Regardless, I had already written this when that was evident.


Our method, then will have the following outline.

function initializeHeaders() {






Needed variables

Where are required variables are relatively straight forward. For book keeping, we keep a tally of each digit seen in a row/col/group, and each overall position that has seen a value. We will also need up to three basic index variables.

var rows = [],
    cols = [],
    grps = [],
    positions = [],
    rawHeaders = [],
    rawRows = [],
    i, j, k;

Methods to create headers and cells.

Since we don't have structs in javascript, I just use a couple of methods to make what we need for headers and cells.

function header(name) {
    var h = {
        name: name,
        up: null,
        down: null,
        left: null,
        right: null,
        size: 0
    h.up = h;
    h.down = h;
    return h;
function cell(colName) {
    var newCell = {
        up: null,
        down: null,
        left: null,
        right: null,
        col: null
        col = rawHeaders[0];

    while ( !== colName)
        col = col.right;

    newCell.down = col;
    newCell.up = col.up;
    newCell.down.up = newCell;
    newCell.up.down = newCell;
    newCell.col = col;
    return newCell;

Initialize Data

To determine which rows and columns need covering, we will first mark off which rows and columns have data. I'll begin by making basic boolean arrays for each digit of each row/col/group and each position.

for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    rows[i] = [];
    cols[i] = [];
    grps[i] = [];
    positions[i] = [];
    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        rows[i][j] = 0;
        cols[i][j] = 0;
        grps[i][j] = 0;
        positions[i][j] = 0;

Read in board data.

The only real trick going on here is that I reduce curValue by one. This is as much from laziness on my part as it is anything else. For some reason, having the zero element of each array be worthless bothered me at first. I changed my mind later, but this was already working.

for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        var curValue = strings[i].charAt(j);
        if (curValue && curValue !== '.') {
            var g = Math.floor(i/3)*3 + Math.floor(j/3);
            if (rows[i][curValue]) throw "Duplicate values in row";
            if (cols[j][curValue]) throw "Duplicate values in col";
            if (grps[g][curValue]) throw "Duplicate values in group.";
            rows[i][curValue] = 1;
            cols[j][curValue] = 1;
            grps[g][curValue] = 1;
            positions[i][j] = 1;

Generate Headers

I do this in two passes, as it was cumbersome to do it in one.

for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        if (!positions[i][j]) {
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
        if (!rows[i][k])
        if (!cols[i][k])
        if (!grps[i][k])

//Now, link them up.
for (i = 1; i < rawHeaders.length; i++) {
    var h = rawHeaders[i];
    h.left = rawHeaders[i-1];
    rawHeaders[i - 1].right = h;
rawHeaders[0].left = rawHeaders[rawHeaders.length - 1];
rawHeaders[rawHeaders.length - 1].right = rawHeaders[0];
headers = rawHeaders[0];

Generate Rows

Similarly to the headers, I first generate all of the row cells, and then I link them up to their left/right values. Is a little trickier here, but nothing terribly fancy.

for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    var x = Math.floor(i/3) * 3;
    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        if (!positions[i][j]) {
            var g = x + Math.floor(j/3);
            for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
                if (!rows[i][k] && !cols[j][k] && !grps[g][k]) {

//Now, link up the rows.  (Cheating, and simply linking up all groups of 4.)
for (i = 0; i < rawRows.length; i+=4) {
    var a = rawRows[i],
        b = rawRows[i+1],
        c = rawRows[i+2],
        d = rawRows[i+3];
    a.right = b;
    b.right = c;
    c.right = d;
    d.right = a;
    a.left = d;
    b.left = a;
    c.left = b;
    d.left = c;

Seeing it work

And, below is a quick view of the states that the algorithm looks at for the configuration originally given. If you want to see it actually get the solution, from 927 to 978 is the final run. After that, it is the algorithm simply looking for any more solutions.

Also, I should probably add something to the algorithm to stop after finding \(N\) solutions, as otherwise it takes bloody forever on some initial configurations.

Finally, I definitely need to add something showing why it decides to backtrack. I can not tell from position 27 to 28 exactly where there were no choices available. :(

.2....... ...6....3 .74.8.... .....3..2 .8..4..1. 6..5..... ....1.78. 5....9... .......4.


Javascript used to make boards

Nothing too fancy here. Could have pulled in a library, of course, though that felt slightly overkill for my purposes.

function element(name, children) {
    var el = document.createElement(name), i;
    if (children) {
        for(i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            var child = children[i];
            if (typeof child === "string") {
            } else {
    return el;
function div()   { return element("div", arguments);   }
function table() { return element("table", arguments); }
function tbody() { return element("tbody", arguments); }
function tr()    { return element("tr", arguments);    }
function td()    { return element("td", arguments);    }
function span()  { return element("span", arguments);  }
function withAttribute(element, attr, value) {
    element.setAttribute(attr, value);
    return element;
function withClassname(element, cls) {
    return withAttribute(element, "class", cls);
function withMouseMoveListener(element, listener) {
    element.onmouseover = listener;
    return element;
function slider() {
    return withAttribute(
        withAttribute(element("input"), "type", "range"),
        "min", "0");

function makeSudokuBoard() {
    var i, j, board = tbody();
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        var row = tr();
        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            var cell = withClassname(td(), "r" + i + " c" + j + " g" + (Math.floor(i/3)*3 + Math.floor(j/3)));
    return withClassname(table(board), "sudokuBoard");

function clearBoard(board) {
    var i, cells = board.querySelectorAll("td");
    for (i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        var cell = cells[i];
        cell.innerHTML = "";


function setBoardFromString(board, strings, additionalStyle) {
    var i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            var curValue = strings[i].charAt(j);
            if (curValue && curValue !== '.') {
                var cell = board.querySelector("td.r"+i+".c"+j);
                cell.innerHTML = "";

                if (cell.className.indexOf(additionalStyle) === -1)
                    cell.className += " " + additionalStyle;

function parseAndReplaceWithBoard(divId, solve) {
    var divEl = document.getElementById(divId),
        data = divEl.innerHTML.trim(),
        board = makeSudokuBoard(),
        sliderEl = slider(),
        progressHeaderEl = div();

    divEl.innerHTML = "";
    setBoardFromString(board, data.split("\n"), "given");

    if (solve) {
        solutions = dlxSudokuSolver(data.split("\n"), true);
        sliderEl.setAttribute("max", solutions.length-1);
        sliderEl.setAttribute("value", 0);
        progressHeaderEl.innerHTML = sliderEl.value+" / "+(solutions.length - 1);
        sliderEl.oninput = function() {
            progressHeaderEl.innerHTML = sliderEl.value+" / "+(solutions.length-1);
            clearCells(board, "solution");
            setBoardFromString(board, toSudokuStrings(solutions[sliderEl.value]), "solution");
    } else {

function clearCells(board, style) {
    var cells = board.querySelectorAll("." + style),
    for (i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        cells[i].innerHTML = "";
function toSudokuStrings(solution) {
    var positions = [], i, j, k, d;
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        positions[i] = ['.', '.', '.','.', '.', '.','.', '.', '.'];

    for (i = 0; i < solution.length; i++) {
        var position = /p(\d)(\d)/.exec(solution[i]);
        d = parseInt(/r\d(\d)/.exec(solution[i])[1]) + 1;
        j = position[1];
        k = position[2];
        positions[j][k] = d;
    return {return v.join("");});;

Styles used.

And, we have the following css that was used.

.sudokuBoard {
  margin: auto;
  background-color: #FFF;
.sudokuBoard td {
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  border: solid thin black;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 20px;
  font-size: 18px;
.sudokuBoard td.c3, .sudokuBoard td.c6 {
  border-left: 3px solid black;
.sudokuBoard td.r3, .sudokuBoard td.r6 {
  border-top: 3px solid black;

pre.example {
  width: 60px;
  background-color: #EEE;

td.solution {
  background-color: #EEE;
input[type='range'] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px #333;
  background-color: #999;
  height: 10px;
  vertical-align: middle;

Author: Josh Berry

Created: 2021-02-05 Fri 23:50
